“For in fact the body is not one member but many. If the foot should say, ‘Because I am not a hand, I am not of the body,’ is it therefore not of the body?”

Just like the body of Christ we all have our “roles”, gifts and talents but if we are not doing it for God then we are like a body part that is not functioning. Many of us I know for me especially feel as though I have been in a cast of some sort- being mended and molded and getting back a lined with the way I am meant and made to work in the body of Christ. But here is what really got me. When it says “if the foot should say, because I am not a hand, I am not of the body…” comparing. We all do it. We all generally all see the good part in everyone and it gets us upset at maybe them but also ourselves because we see our wickedness and have record of the past and even current thought’s, but God renews us every day! How awesome is that! Could you imagine if you woke up one morning and got out of bed, only to figure out you now are not able to close your eye lids again… now I know I personally do not think about having to remind myself to blink throughout the day but that it does it on its own- and good thing too because the way I forget things it wouldn’t be good. So now you are out of bed and you can’t blink- your eyes get dry- and you can’t really wash your face. It gets itchy… ect. But the fact is I would run into great issues and those issues and that one problem would affect another body part… and so on- all because the body is made up of many members and they all serve an important function in the body both this flesh body and the body of Christ. One of my patients back home was in critical condition after a bad car accident and she couldn’t move anything from her waste down… she is walking and everything is functioning in the way it is supposed to now but that scene popped into my head- we had to first examine her ask her and have her work with us to figure out what she was able to feel and not. And from there we are able to invest in the deeper and more sensitive spots- and just like us in the body of Christ sometimes it takes a crash to really see and ask yourself what if going on and who are you living for? But just like how God created our bodies to mend and heal ourselves so does Christ in us- both individually and as one body.


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