IBS: 2 Corinthians 1:12
“For our boasting is this: the testimony of our conscience that we conducted ourselves in the world in simplicity and godly sincerity, not with fleshly wisdom but by the grace of God, and more abundantly toward you.”

Who are you doing life for? Is the question I often have to ask myself whether its in the middle of a task or project or after I accomplish something. Even just in talking with someone. Who are you trying to glorify? For me most of the time its for myself. But by only the grace of God He is still working hard in my heart and changing my thoughts towards the real goal and purpose of this life I have. I have always grown up with the saying “actions speak louder than words.” Which is something I have always lived by and is drilled into my head. I generally don’t push myself past that limit though- in the sense of really asking who am I living for and these actions that I am doing what is it for? But that was then, and this is now- God has shown me and has opened my eyes to so much understanding within His word- through people I meet here- and even in my prayer time. For me right now it is very easy to get caught up in how the world thinks compared to the Word of God and how I need to live out each day and give all the glory to the Lord. Thinking about this coming year and all the trials that it is going to entail along with all new environments with people I’ve never met I am reminded and honestly never really did anything more than hear it and say it to a few people- but it is SO true. “God is present all the time” in ever situation, in ever trial-thought-doubt. He is all there. He is waiting for us to come to Him with nothing, so He can give us everything. 


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