“Obey those who rule over you, and be submissive, for they watch out for you souls, as those who much give account. Let them do so with joy and not with grief, for that would be unprofitable for you.”

Understanding that we must have an understanding that we are not our own- is how I have gotten to the point of obedience. And I am not all there either- everything is a new experience with me and to remind myself of this is important because I have been blessed in the area of experience and to have the opportunities I have had has grown me and taught me so much, but those experiences are never the same word for word- action by action ever again. So, to have an understanding and an appreciation of this makes everyday more enjoyable and exciting- for me at least. So to obey the people God has placed over you is and should be an honor- not to suck up to them but to take every word with a opened mind and heart to learn- always with discernment and bringing it all back to what the Word says but that’s what I love about being here surrounded by all these God seeking people through sharing or explaining something bringing it back to scripture- it encourages me to read and learn more about all the Bible- Gods Word has to offer and say to me. So in this verse it says to “obey those who rule over you” but also to “be submissive” I like that it says to be submissive as well because we can listen and do what we are told but then have a hard heart or bad attitude whether showing it or not while doing it- and that is not what God asks of us. Having a heart check is very important when living out your walk with God because if your heart isn’t for it then what and who are you really serving? It also says here in this verse “as those who much give account” its easy for our minds to allow the devil and our sinful nature to make us think these people are just “out to get me” or “they just don’t like me that’s why they said that to me” but that is just the devil speaking to you- many times I have thought that and still do here but knowing that that isn’t what is really going on and that the leaders over me also have to give what they do and say to the Lord and that they are not perfect either but are worked in and through by the Holy Spirit and in everything they do and say have to bring it before God just like you and me- heck I don’t want that kind of responsibility so God bless all the leaders here because I know if I was in there position right now I wouldn’t want to get out of bed in fear of what I might do wrong and who all is watching and listening- because that is what we as students are to do. I really do admire the leadership here and the ones in churches on the field and even in the household and work place- it isn’t easy but those led by the Holy Spirit are the ones who are the most profitable and greatest to follow after. And the end of this verse is really just that- to have and understand that you don’t know everything and the ones placed above you to teach you are only there because they have been called by God to be there for you and to be challenged and stretched in those ways just like I do in the ways I am by them. God knows what’s up and what needs to be changed and moved and even removed and having faith and believing in that and that He is able and only wants what’s best for you is so crucial in our everyday walk but also in our attitudes and heart. 


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