“Let your conduct be without covetousness;
be content with such things as you have. For He Himself has said, ‘I will never
leave you nor forsake you.’
This verse has been on my heart all my
life- whenever I fall into sin or a situation that had me upset or at a loss on
my own I would always cry out to God asking Him “why?” why I am in this
situation or how did He allow this to come to this point. I would do it in the
mind set of He left me because I walked away from Him. That’s just it. I walked
away. He’s always been right there waiting for me to come to my knees and cry
out to Him- not accuse Him of a situation or a result of my own actions. He
really was there all along and a part of me knew that but didn’t feel it or see
it, so I never really believed it but that’s where faith comes in. The more and
more I think about what’s behind me, the more I count it all as blessings-
through the situations- the looks- the hours of listening- crying out- through
it all God was there and He’s still by my side. I still lose faith even here in
a missions training school- how silly that must sound but it’s the truth. I am
told things and have a moment of fearing its wrong and ill even throw in there
“its really not what the Lord has for me I’m sure” cause you know- I know when
God messes up we all do…NO. He knows what’s up and He knows what the best thing
is for us. He will prepare me and equipped me for the battles to come. God
doesn’t want us to fail- I start to fail when I start to praise myself and do
things in my own will and power- but God never asked us to do that- no. He said
right in this verse, “be content with such things as you have…” He has
everything perfect in His timing- and where He has me right now, with the
things and people around me- this is where I need to be at. All here knowing He
has never left me and never will.
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