IBS- JOHN 12:26
“If anyone serves Me, let him follow Me;
and where I am, there My servant will be also. If anyone serves Me, him My
Father will honor.”
After reading this verse I thanked God. I
thanked Him for this promise. “if anyone serves Me, let him follow Me- meaning
you must serve God in order to follow after Him because if you are not
following after Him He who are you really serving? Checking your heart. that’s
what God has been on my case about and impressing on my heart. Making that
effort and acknowledging that I am not always doing tasks to glorify Him but
man. And that isn’t going to fill me or grow me in any way. So, He says here if
you follow me and serve me you will never be alone, “and where I am, there My
servant will be also.” And to know that and to know that no matter where I am
God is there is so comforting to me. I think about the bible stories where God
put men on their own- by themselves and how much they not only grew in those
times but they were never along and I forget that sometimes- that God is
everywhere I God He is omnipresence and that is hard to believe sometimes but
its called having faith- and we all are still working on growing in our faith
because God wants us to have complete faith in Him. We are called higher and
deeper and that’s a desire of my heart here in this season of my life and I
hope and pray that this is the desire I have the rest of my life- to want and
have a need and want for more of Jesus. At the end of this verse it says. “if
anyone serves Me, him My Father will honor.” How blessed are we. Right now. To
know that the God we serve today, and the same God Noah and David served is the
same God and He honors us in our efforts to glorify Him. I don’t personally
know any other “gods” that do that. I am honored, and He honors me knowing who
I am and what I’ve done and what I am going to do. BLESSED! Truly BLESSED.
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