“I, John, your brother and companion in the tribulation and kingdom and patience of Jesus Christ, was on the island that is called Patmos for the word of God and for the testimony of Jesus Christ.”

I love how John makes himself vulnerable in just the first part of the sentence, knowing people knew him as one of Jesus’s disciples and the one Jesus called “whom I love” must have made some followers get upset or jealous knowing God spoke so highly of him. But John I feel takes that into account when he rights this in saying “I, John, YOUR BROTHER AND COMPANION IN THE TRIBULATION…” he is making it known that he too will be going through what we all will be- and that he is also human. Not putting himself up above any other and that shows so much love and compassion he has just like His Father in heaven. John also brings into account the kingdom and patience that is in the Lord and how because he is a follower and disciple he must also have patience and is looking towards walking into the gates of His kingdom. Living your life out for Christ- which is what we are called to do once we except the Lord as our savior- we are now not only living out our testimony but His through us like in John 17 when it talks about becoming one in and through Christ “ … that they may be one, as You, Father, are in Me, and I in You; that they also may be one in Us, that the world may believe…” John is a great example of how we as Christians should be completely vulnerable to Christ and to always be working on our faith- so we may be a living example of Christ in our everyday life. I know for me that is always praying asking God to work in and through me and whatever trial there is laid before me in that day- I want to be a living example just as John was to many.  


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