“We then who are strong ought to bear with the scruples (failings) of the weak, and not to please ourselves.”

In our weakness He is strong- Something I struggle with is getting help, whether it’s asking for it or someone just walking up to me and me not wanting to receive that kind of love or attention. It comes down to pride I know for me, but also the struggle in not knowing how- not knowing how to receive it or what to do next. God is working in mighty ways in all of us but here we are called to be submissive and obey the leaders, but it also comes down to seeking out or even just excepting the love and compassion Gods people here- the people God has placed in our lives to guide and direct us towards Him so we may be able to take these life lessons and apply it to our lives for the rest of our lives. When God is in the mix so is the good for us. He only wants what’s best for us and won’t give us mountains we can’t climb. But He never said we had to do it alone. Actually, He calls us all deeper with Him and He calls us to be encouragers to one another and in everything with LOVE. I was brought to 1 Corinthians 2 when Paul is talking to the Gentiles about why he was there doing what he was doing… 2:1 “And I, brethren, when I came to you, did not come with excellence of speech or of wisdom declaring to you the testimony of God..” the gentiles just like you and me were just making things complicated and were having a hard time understanding why and what was the purpose of somethings and just life and what they were really doing in it- I can personally relate greatly to them. One because I complicate things especially in my head. And it happens when I am trying to figure things out like my life… but God doesn’t call us to worry about the future but just be here all here right where He has you.


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