“Do you not know that to whom you present
yourselves slaves to obey, you are that one’s slave whom you obey, whether of
sin leading to death, or of obedience leading to righteousness.”
No matter what I
choose I am following someone doing something someone else has already done or
attempting to push to be more like someone- whether that be God, people from
the Bible, people around me, things I’ve seen before. We all have an image in
our head of how things or something are supposed to be and that can be a image
that the Lord has given you which is awesome or it could be something of this
world that you have held on to and hoped for. I don’t think admiring someone is
always a bad thing- it becomes unhealthy when that becomes your goal in life
and you are no longer asking and seeking God out for guidance on your life. God
has placed certain people in your life for a reason and here I believe with all
my heart He has placed me to watch and not want to be this person or them but
to admire and want the relationship people here seek after with God. We
ultimately have a choice in who we want to seek and obey- just like we have a
choice with every action that takes place with us in any situation. I am just
reminded of many times I didn’t listen as a child-teen and even more recent
than I would like to admit. I see Gods hand in it all now and even when I did
make the wrong choice and obey my flesh- there were consequences but also
redemption but that’s not to say there is always going to be a fixable moment
because by the grace of God I am here alive- by the grace of God I am reminded
everyday of situations where I should have been dead or gotten into more
trouble than I can handle. This verse is so true, and I never really thought
about it this way- but it is true- whatever you give yourself to- “you are that
one’s slave”.
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