“Yet indeed I also count all thigs loss
for the excellence of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom I have
suffered the loss of all things, and count them as rubbish, that I may gain
I am reminded of the Philippians 1:21 “For
to me, to live is Christ, and to die is gain.” To hold onto the things of this
world only hinders you. Your relationship with Christ Jesus, your walk, your
mornings, and your everyday life. To gain the whole world but lose your soul is
gaining nothing. To fight for anything of this world is going to get me nowhere
if not led by the Lord. I have held on to so many things of this world, it has
bonded me and there is a weight on my shoulders because of it. When I try to
gain the whole world- I lose myself. I feel caught in a net with no way out. I
can see the good in God, but I am to twisted and wrapped up in the ways of me
that I can not figure out the way out. In Christ I have no bondage I have no
net. To gain knowledge of Christ I lose nothing but gain everything. I am
learning how to not let go of things, but to give it to Christ. There is a big
difference to me. When I attempt to just “let go” of things I come back around
to them and pick them back up whether it be 2 minutes after or 2 years, I carry
it yet again. But when I give to Christ, He takes away. I never have to worry
about it, its not in my hands or carried by me anymore. He is faithful in
lifting my burdens and lightening my load. It says here “I have suffered the
loss of all things, and count them as rubbish…” and that is exactly what the
things of this world is when God isn’t in the center of it. To live in such a
way that to gain the whole world but lose my soul I would have gained nothing,
as hard as it is to give ideas, thoughts, even actions unto to Lord- it is well
worth it because He will never do anything not out of love for us. I forget how
powerful God is and the power that reigns with Him. There is power in the name
of Jesus. And to gain hope and knowledge of this is to gain everything.
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