Matthew 4:8-10
“Again, the devil took him up on an exceedingly high
mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory. And he
said to him ‘all these things I will give you if you fall down and worship me.’
Then Jesus said to him ‘away with you, Satan!’ for it is written, you shall
worship the Lord your God and Him only you shall serve.” then the devil left
Being here in Uganda has already been such an exciting yet
challenging life God has laid out for me. I never would have imagined being
here and for 6 months! But the devil will always take advantage of my weak
moments still even here. I was struggling with just my wondering thoughts and
thoughts of when I get home and I was just getting very mad at myself for not
being here all here, where God has me. Then the other afternoon after coming
back late from the school I was just on the boat over to our home and I just
sat there looking at my team and the driver, thinking about all that happened
today while listening to everyone talk about what funny things happened today
and the challenges that came up and I just started to tear up. I had let the
devil take me away from the things God has given me today and I had allowed him
to separate me from being where God has placed me. God knows me so well and
this just proves it yet again, how great my God really is. I needed this
reminder that even Jesus was tempted by the devil. You and I are not alone.
Don’t isolate yourself when the devil starts to tempt you- that’s what he wants
you to do. He started taking over my mind and as I was isolating myself as I
was trying to figure out this whole new life here in Uganda. I love how Jesus
says, “away with you satin!” I was reminded and in total awe of how that same
power that rose Jesus from the grave, that same power that spoke and made the
devil leave Him alone, is the same power that lives inside of me. This verse
was greatly needed, how the devil took Jesus up on the mountain and showed Him
all the kingdoms and all the glory in them and around and just that temptation
and how knowing the things he did about Jesus tried to tempt Him with the
things He might have fallen for. Just shows how the devil far the devil will
really go to know you very well and will try anything to get you to follow
after him instead of the King of Kings nd Lord of Lords.
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