Psalm 23:3 “… He leads me in the paths of righteousness for His name’s sake.”
Sometimes I do not want to let go of my resentment; I grow fond of my dark, murky attitudes. But when I allow an infilling of fresh water, I am set free, to live a full and creative life. Interestingly, enough God has taught me that forgiveness works this way in our lives whether we’re the forgivers or the forgives. The distinction is not all that clear, because every one of us has need to be both. “Like the colors in a watercolor painting, forgiving and being forgiven run together, creating surprising and unforgettable patterns.” Said by Emilie Barnes. Every single one of us, because we are human and sinful and make mistakes and act out of motivation that are less than pure, has a continual need to ask for forgiveness of God and other humans. And every single one of us, because the people around us are human and sinful and make mistakes and act out of motivates that are less pure, has constant need to forgive or ask God for the ability to forgive. I have learned through this verse and all that God has shown me through my life and experiences that we need to ask because all forgiveness whether offered or received- is a gift of God. Forgiveness is then an ongoing process of filling our leaky cups. Forgiveness is ongoing, but it’s not an endless, repetitive cycle. It’s actually a forward motion- confusing right? I thought so too but then when God opened my eyes to the motion of it all in many past situations, it made a lot of sense. Things change as we practice the process of forgiveness. Over time, the specific hurts in our lives lose their power too hurt us (and some hurts really are healed at the moment of forgiveness). Emptying out anger becomes a habit after a while of this process of forgiveness. The unwanted, troubling, “senseless” things that happen in our lives are occasions to instill strength in our character, force us to pray as never before, and give us a testimony to help others in need. Our struggles are simply a sign that we were made for more.


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