“submitting to one another in the fear of God.”

Submitting- one thing I struggle with in general but “to one another” is another aspect of it that can bring a whole new level to it. God loves stretching us doesn’t He. The thing that really gets me is the fact that this is sometimes one of the hardest things to do in a situation. It may not happen all the time or it may happen most of the time. It makes me think of like-mindedness and how we (as a body of Christ) are called to be just like it talks about in Romans 15:5-7 “so this shouldn’t be that hard right? Well I don’t now about any of you, but I still have my days where I’m not the first one people want on their team or the person someone wants to be around, because of my attitude and the way I am treating people. Another thing God has impressed on my heart is the fact that if we fear Him- which for me is knowing His love and what He went through and still goes through with us every day of our lives and taking pieces of that love and understanding very little of it but that I do wouldn’t ever want to disappoint Him just like I don’t like disappointing the people around me in anyway. God calls us to seek after Him and giving everything to Him and coming to the understanding that He is life- He is love- and He is grace I have found everything in Him and if He has commanded me to submit to my brothers and sisters then I pray that I will do that with an open and willing heart.


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