“though He was a Son, yet He learned obedience by the things which He suffered.”

This verse is more humbling to me than anything else. Yet Jesus knew who He was in Christ- sent by God- He still humbled Himself in obedience to where He knew He was sent to seek and save the lost but also to die on the cross for all our sins. It says in Philippians 2:8 “and being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself and became obedient to the point of death, even the death of the cross.” And here we have me- who’s initial reaction when being told what to do is to speak back or think about a better way to do it. But that isn’t what we are called to do- and even through out our life we are called to listen and obey the people God has placed in our life as overseers- to guide us in the way Christ would. I love how Jesus through it all, just wanted us to love Him and seek after Him with nothing of this world. And how complicated we have made it for no one else but ourselves. It says here in this verse that He knew who He was but still knew we were too selfish, prideful people that wouldn’t make sense of it all- so He laid down His life for us and even before that-during and still today He meets us where we are at. God knows all yes- but sometimes I forget He feels for me too. He feels my pains and worries- and He still seeks me out and comforts me even when I reject Him- which hurts Him even more. I think about some of the most painful moments in my life where I put myself in a box and just dug deeper in and how much pain I have felt but how it is nothing compared to what He felt and still feels for us when we hold onto the things of this world and not allow Him to work in and through us- but most importantly build and become intimate with Him. I am just sitting here thinking about all the things this world calls us to do to live here- we must be successful, unique but yet fit in this model frame that changes over the years- be our own person, make money, have this and that to stay in the loop, make it to this place in life and your in a “safe zone” for the most part… and so on. But what does God ask of us? To give all our worries, pains, hurts, hindrance to Him and to have a desire to seek and learn more about Him… yet our natural instinct or whatever you want to call it leans towards all the hindrance the world asks us to do- I am so thankful and so undeserving of His love, yet God still loves me. 


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