“For you, brethren, have been called to liberty; only do not use liberty as an opportunity for the flesh, but through love serve one another.”

Here it talks about having “liberty”- freedom- but not the kind of freedom we have in the United States, like to vote and what not, even though those are great privileges we do have and are blessed to have compared to other countries. Here it is talking about the freedom we do have in Christ and in Christ alone. When I think about this its overwhelming to think about all the grace and love God has had on me and still has for me. But to not take advantage of this freedom we do have in Him, but to use it to glorify Him. We are called to “serve one another.” But not out of pride or guilt or anything else our flesh wants to make us think, but to be humbled and be aware of the fact that we are honored and apart of Christ we have nothing to offer this world. In everything we must love. Love the challenges this world has for us- love the ups and the downs- love the people God has placed in our lives- love the memories- love the blessings God has blessed you with. We are here to love one another but Christ like.


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