“Not that I speak in regard to need, for I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content.”

The first thing that came to mind is Austen saying, “a closed mouth doesn’t eat.” And at first I was like yeah no joke you have to consume it through your mouth because that’s how it works- but that’s not the point- sorry Austen a little slow over here. But it means if you don’t speak up when you are in need of help you need to speak up and say it- we are all only humans and have needs in order to survive keeping our body healthy and able TO be used as Gods hands and feet here on earth. But this verse is saying that when we do have what we need (which if you really think about it isn’t as much as we think we need in order to live) that we need to not look on our brothers or sisters cares and what they have but to have a peace and understanding that you have been given more than enough (especially here where we all are right now) and even back home. Yes, we all see something we really want or think we “have to have” but that isn’t the heart of God or what He is asking us to do with our life. Its better to give than to receive. And that is what we need to change in our hearts and minds, so we may be able to see God more and see things in the way and the manor with which He allows us too. 


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