“Having then gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us, let us use them: if prophecy, let us prophesy in proportion to our faith.”
In the verses before this one it talks about Spiritual Gifts and how we ought to not “think highly” of ourselves because of them but to “soberly” since by the grace of God He has given them to us. Just taking a step back and thinking about that and how God not only created man in His image and everything around us but that He placed and graced us EACH with a gift- a Spiritual gift to glorify Him with. That means He took each and every one of us and not only created us but gave us all character with strengths and weaknesses so that we may work together for His kingdom. This verse is telling us to exercise our Spiritual gifts within the body of Christ. I love how it says “differing” believers have different gifts for various purposes in Gods kingdom. A elder that I used to take care of used to say “there are different strokes for different folks.” And I always used to say “isn’t that the truth” not really taking the time to understand what she was saying; but ITS TRUE! We all are called to be disciples of Christ and everyone has a gift or more that God uses (if we allow Him too) in the church today- not only that but the church cannot be what it should be in Christ without each member using his gift for the glory of God. We need each other. Each of us has something to contribute to others in the body. God expects us to do our part in the body of Christ. He does not anticipate that we will do what others can do. This verse is so encouraging; God has gifted each of us with a capacity to serve Him.


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